Small Steps for Catholic Moms: Your Daily Call to Think, Pray, and Act (Catholicmom.Com Book) Kindle Edition
Author: Danielle Bean ID: B00FOLJBHS
File Size: 3953 KBPrint Length: 417 pagesPublisher: Ave Maria Press (September 9, 2013)Publication Date: September 9, 2013 Sold by: Digital Services, Inc. Language: EnglishID: B00FOLJBHSText-to-Speech: Enabled X-Ray: Not Enabled Word Wise: Not EnabledLending: Not Enabled Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled Best Sellers Rank: #186,891 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #151 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Religion & Spirituality > Christian Books & Bibles > Catholicism > Roman Catholicism #190 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Religion & Spirituality > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Family #243 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Religion & Spirituality > Spirituality > Devotionals
Small Steps isn’t a tome about how you can be more of a super-mom. This isn’t a book that will unlock the secrets of momhood and give you the elixir of needing less sleep.
What you’ll find, which is better, is a daily dose of inspiration, wisdom, and encouragement from women who know how lonely and hopeless it can be in the trenches of motherhood. This isn’t preaching, this is touching and giving in the most beautiful of Catholic traditions. This is a cup of tea with friends, a hug from a fellow trooper, an embrace from God Himself.
In Small Steps, you get just what it says: a quote from a saint, a short prayer, and a to-do item. Every month is centered around a virtue, even as each day of that month takes you on a small step toward that virtue.
Small Steps is a lesson for all of us: we don’t reach sainthood in giant leaps, unless we look back over our entire lives. Instead, the road to heaven is a series of moments, of small steps we take, holding on tight to the hands of those who have gone before us and who are carrying us when we fall.
The hugely successful Small Steps for "Catholic Moms: Your Daily Call to Think, Pray, and Act" by Danielle Bean and Elizabeth Foss was originally published in 2010, but fell victim to a publisher closure and went out of print. Ave Maria Press has re-released this popular book as part of the series of books.
It is an understatement to say that Danielle Bean, editor of Catholic Digest and host of The Gist as well as mother of eight children, and Elizabeth Foss, award-winning writer and mother of nine, know what it means to be busy moms. The duo has put together a devotional to help mothers easily work prayer into a hectic life.
"Small Steps for Catholic Moms" offers an entry for each day, but Bean and Foss are adamant that there is no one "right way" to use this book. One may follow along day by day or pick it up when the need for inspiration arises and study a few pages. Each month is dedicated to the cultivation of a particular virtue, such as joy, simplicity, courage, humility, and peace. Each day features something to think about, pray about, and act on. Quotes from scripture and the saints offer the day’s food for thought. The prayers are simple, yet profound, and the actions are practical ways to live out one’s faith.
Any Catholic mother searching for a quick spiritual pick-me-up will find great value in the pages of "Small Steps for Catholic Moms."
Danielle Bean and Elizabeth Foss give moms the gift of time management in their new book, "Small Steps for Catholic Moms: Your Daily Call to Think, Pray and Act." This truly is a daily call, formatted almost like a daily text message. Because the messages are succinct, focused, and efficient, I am drawn into the book’s daily messages with true implementation plans of developing virtue in my busy momma day. I am able to read the daily message either in the morning before rising from my bed, in the middle of my day, or when I return from work (while cooking dinner!).
In the introduction, Danielle and Elizabeth give us permission as busy moms to use this book as a tool. As a busy working Catholic mom (outside of the home), I am always looking for tools to help me on my faith journey. I don’t have lots of moments of silence for reflection and prayer, and this book gives me the snippets I need to continue a journey to sanctity. By focusing on specific virtues in our motherhood, we are able to journey with other busy moms (that includes all moms, I do believe!), and balance duties of being a mom with the relationships that sustain us most: Father, Son, Holy Spirit – and our Blessed Mother Mary.
By using quotes from the saints of the Church, Danielle and Elizabeth bring the concepts to life. The prayers offered are quick, yet heart-felt and thought provoking. The actions suggested are specific, challenging, and able to be completed. As a working Catholic mom, Small Steps is a daily tool for me to keep moving forward on my faith journey. I expected the same ole devotional. What I found was a gold mine of advice, as if I were sitting down for coffee with my girlfriends. Thank you, Danielle and Elizabeth!
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